Internet EARS - Version 9

See below for a summary and a comparison against other options, or click here for a more detailed walkthrough as a PDF document.

Internet EARS is the better campaign tool

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Stay with EARS for the best ideas

Lots of exciting new features now added to EARS have never been seen before.

EARS uses Ordnance Survey coordinates to automatically make delivery routes from the electoral roll rather than Google. It then creates Google maps with pins in each road. As Google does not have every voter's road on it, our UK based software does this the right way around!

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EARS Lite works on iPhones, Android and any Web browser

EARS Lite is an easy tool that lets you canvass, do telling, knock up or enter marked registers without needing the full program. You can use it either on your smartphone on the doorstep or on a browser when you get home.

Main Menu


Knock up!

Canvass with your smart phone

Click pin to see a map

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EARS Polling Day. Tried, tested and safe.

EARS Polling Day works either online or offline -from the same familiar screen.

Familiar Pollday screen. New map shows pins for walk and location of Polling station (P) and Committee Room (C).

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Helper, Supporter and Member data (HandS) is now within EARS

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EARS has a record of helping WIN elections

Will EARS cost you more?No{N}
Will EARS let you share and edit data safely, using techniques tested in the UK?Yes{Y}
Will EARS retain your important data with no risk of it being lost in translation?Yes{Y}
Does EARS have the important campaigning tools you need - focused on UK needs?Yes{Y}
Independent Databases that share data when you are online but keep working when offline?Yes{Y}
Access to low cost phone numbers and low cost internet telephone canvass tools?Yes{Y}
UK programmers with UK campaign experience able to react immediately to UK needs?Yes{Y}
A much improved version of Tried, Tested and Familiar software that needs far less new training?Yes{Y}

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EARS, 36 Norfolk Avenue, South Croydon, CR2 8BN
- 020 8657 3172 -
Contact the EARS Team

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